Thursday, October 3, 2013


This is a life-changing discovery for me:  I have stumbled upon a cure for warts.  And listen up:  no side effects, no doctor visits, no pain or blood, no scars. only costs $3.00.  Can you believe this?  I was understandably cautious and skeptical because I have had warts come and go since I was a child.  I have tried everything under the sun, with varying degrees of success, and many repeat offenders.  I hate the nasty little things.  I hate them even more when they return after a lengthy, painful, expensive process.  I have tried surgery, liquid nitrogen, several herbal remedies, home freezing kits, etc etc.  And what do I have to show for it?  Scars...and warts.

My most recent wart experience consisted of a single wart on my hand.  I had it frozen at the dermatologist's office.  After the blood blister healed, the wart got bigger, and several more popped up!  I was so frustrated, and kind of mad for all the money I spent at the doctor.  I tried the freezing again and my hand was a conglomeration of ugly, red, swollen blisters.  One day I was at the bank and the teller saw the carnage that was my hand and asked what happened.  She told me her personal cure for warts.  Are you ready for this???  Clear Finger Nail Polish.  Clear Finger Nail Polish!!!

I have had to wait patiently to see if it worked or not before I could share the love.  Now that I am about 6 weeks in, almost all my warts are gone, and the biggest one is barely there.

Here are the keys I have discovered to making this effective:

  1. Keep the warts covered 24/7 with polish.  I haven't given mine more than a few minutes without being covered.  
  2. Cover the entire wart, and then some, to make sure you aren't leaving any wart tissue untreated.
  3. Don't pick it!  When the polish dries, and the edges start to curl up, it's so tempting (and fun) to peel off the polish.  But unless you can reapply right away, don't do it.  If you are using this remedy for a child, this might prove your most difficult roadblock.  My suggestion is to reapply frequently.
I hope you feel the tremendous relief I have experienced with this simple, effective cure for your warts. I would love to hear your suggestions and experiences.

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