Thursday, February 9, 2012


I have kept a journal most of my life.  I record the important events like our children being born, big decisions we've made, or spiritual experiences I want to remember.  I usually let long periods of time go between each entry and then feel like I have to write an epic entry to catch up.  It's overwhelming because you really can't capture 8 months or so in a few pages.  So oftentimes, I avoid it since I am daunted by the task of filling in the big gap.  I was also thinking regretfully of my lack of journaling during my courtship and engagement with my husband.  I was too busy being wrapped up in him to write.  I wish I knew the exact day of our first date and the way I knew I was in love with him.  Most of it is lost to my memory and I wish I could relive the parts I've forgotten.  So when it was suggested to me that I write just a few lines every single day I knew it was the solution.  My knee-jerk reaction was thinking that you can't really do justice to life in a few lines.  But I countered with, "well, a few lines is better than what you're doing now--which is nothing."  So I write in my journal every night before bed.  I'll write some of the things I did during the day or capture a thought I had about a member of my family or what I am thankful for.  Sometimes I just write something funny one of the kids said.  It's been very satisfying to me to fill up the pages of my journal in this way.  I think I'm capturing more closely my 'real' life by recording daily events than I do when I write about the big events.  Periodically I want to record a longer entry when I need to, but for now, this fits my life.  How do you journal?

1 comment:

  1. I like your ideas on journaling every day. My MO right now is I keep a list on the fridge with a heading for me and then one for each of the kids (because I keep up a mom-type journal for each of them). I haven't had the energy or even idea, really, to tackle writing something down every day but I jot down notes of what I want to remember to journal on this running list. Then about once a month, usually on a Sunday evening, I sit down and journal for me and then for each of the boys. I do it on the computer because I like to type it up fast. I hope I'm capturing the day-to-day by jotting down notes throughout the month but I should start doing a little each day, too. Great idea!
